Burls surpassed his previous best day’s result (50) with a fantastic final day with Tony and Dan on the river with over 70 fish between them. And with Capt. Luke, Mick and Scott, found honey hole after honey hole ending with over 100 for the day. Everywhere they went they found fish and there were constant double hookups. Burls went for a double hat trick. And there were quite a number of good mangrove jacks amongst the barramundi as well.
After such a great day on the water, there were many sore casting arms and shoulders the next day – which the boys thought would get a welcome rest on the return trip to Weipa bluewater fishing. But the tuna and mackerel schools had other ideas and kept them busy until this fella showed up on the teaser.
Tony’s first sailfish gave us a spectacular show in the air before it was briefly brought on board for a picture before being released.
More photos from the final couple of days have been added into the gallery below.
Beautiful photo Kelly, another cover for Blue Water!