I think I’m getting to the stage where I have to accept that I’m not going to catch up on all the big marlin reports from the marlin season just gone. Especially since now the focus has shifted to getting the footage edited and out to our lovely guests!
It certainly was a good season, probably the best in close to 10 years, and hopefully the start of an upswing which will continue over the next few years. If you didn’t fish with us in 2014, please enjoy vicariously!
Big marlin video
This is my second big marlin video from the season – Big fish in swelly seas featuring rockstar angler Jada Van Mols. You can read a little more about Jada’s trip with us in late October 2015 here. While I never finished that report either (sensing a theme here?), it was another great trip with 17 billfish (16 marlin and a sail). This particular fish was a beauty!
KEKOA Cairns 2014: Big fish, big seas for Jada from Kelly Dalling Fallon on Vimeo.
We still have a couple of key dates for the big marlin season 2015 – contact me to enquire. (Kelly)