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Cairns & Great Barrier Reef

Cover Shot

Capt. Luke on the cover of Travelling Angler

Capt. Luke Fallon is a true fisherman. In his free time, he loves to…well, fish! So it’s no surprise earlier this year when we had some time off, Capt. Luke and I went on yet another trip to one of our favourite fishing destinations, West Kunderang Recreational Retreat, where we usually catch Australian Bass by the truckloads. On this trip, we were accompanied by fishing writer David Granville who was doing a piece for the new Australian Travelling Angler magazine. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, I highly recommend you go out and grab a copy. It’s a great read for anglers who are interested in spots a bit further afield, away from the crowds and that provide a bit more adventure both there as well as getting to and from.

While we had to contend with swollen rivers due to the recent rain/flooding and so our actual on-river fishing time was limited, we still came away with a few nice fish and Capt. Luke even made the cover!

Because of the rain, we jumped at the chance to pop down there again, a month after the trip with Dave – and had some great fishing once the river dropped. Luke and I ended up with 91 in two days. Very nice!