The IGFA have this morning issued a press release congratulating Mr. Peter Teakle’s sponsored tag – tagged and released on board KEKOA by owner Scotty Taylor in 2012 – as the winning fish for the entire 2013 Great Marlin Race worldwide. A total of 30 satellite tags deployed in blue and black marlin, and sailfish in six countries world-wide in this, the second year of the IGFA Great Marlin Race (IGMR). Working in collaboration with Stanford University, the project held seven tagging events in 2012-2013 that tracked a total of 17,059 nautical miles (nm) by the tagged fish, which is more than 5,000 nm more than the previous year.
This year’s winning fish – which Capt. Luke put at 800lbs and “extremely healthy” at the time of tagging – travelled 2,577 nm – 15% of the total distance recorded in the entire year – before the tag popped up after 69 days!
Read the full press release here.
Congratulations Scotty on your fish and also to Mr. Peter Teakle who has been a long term supporter of both the Great Marlin Race, and the Lizard Island Game Fishing Club