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Cairns & Great Barrier Reef

Art & Susan Top it off with new PB Black Marlin

Art and Susan finished up their trip on KEKOA on a high firstly with Art posting his new PB black marlin at 900lbs. The very next day, Susan, not to be outdone, added hers as well. What a great trip – so happy that you both came to join us and fish Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef this year. The final stats were 900×2, 800×2, 550, 500, 400×2 and 250lbs.

Some of Art and Susan’s marlin pics from the trip are below as well as a youtube clip of Susan’s 900lb black marlin. More video footage to come!

With the great weather on the final few days I was able to get some pretty spectacular pics of these giant black marlin. For Susan’s fish, the big explosion on the stinger bait was watched by everyone one board. But the day didn’t stop there, another big bite on the stinger bait within minutes from lines in saw Art hooked up to another big fish about 800lbs that stayed on the surface and did some great jumps in the fading light before we drove over to it and promptly pulled the bait out of it on the leader. That followed up from the day before, which was once again the late bite for Art, the classic blue tube which saw Art hooked up to his own 900lb black marlin which did some great headshakes for the camera on the leader as well.

Apologies for the slow updates! The weather has been a little too unfriendly for me to get on the web to post for the last few days.