Jason “The Hass” Hassett had a big fish reputation to live up to on KEKOA. On previous trips he’s fought an estimated 1200lb-er for 7 hours (2008) as well as released a 1000lb-er during the Lizard Island competition in 2009 (while his good mate and trip companion John Wildburger tagged one estimated at 1200lbs to qualify him for membership in the Lizard Island 1000lb club). So in 2010 expectations were high that he would deliver again.
And straight out of the blocks he did with a 800lb-er followed by an 750lb-er the next day. Not to be out done, Jason’s mate Scooter also cleaned up with his first, second and third ever marlins! The boys finished with 6 fish in 6 days.
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Kelly Dalling Fallon photographs. Not to be used without advance permission.